Book Reads That Will Expand Your Mind

Book Reads That Will Expand Your Mind

When I visit a friend or colleague’s home for the first time, one of the first things that interests me is their bookshelf. What someone has read reveals so much about them, including their interests, their hobbies, and even the inner questions with which they are wrestling. In my opinion, a bookshelf is a rather intimate space – and yet, we often display our reads so newcomers and friends to our home can peruse our titles. I rather love that! It’s such an open door to conversation.

 Triad Resource Group is a small, corporate family made up of nonprofit professionals. Our team of employees, subcontractors, and referral partners is enthusiastic to open the doors to our libraries and show you our bookshelf of upcoming reads. Peruse our shelf for your next read HERE

Let us know if there are books you’re interested in reading with us or books that you’ve read for which you’d like to share a review.

 Because sitting to read can feel like an unattainable luxury to some, we encourage listening to audio books. Scribd and Audible are two well-known audio book resources. There are others. Your local public library likely offers titles these titles on audio, too.

 Read along and grow with us!